What Are Item Features?

On the RcadeTrade Video Game Marketplace, we've added specific labels for a listing's optional features. Item feature labels are not required for each listing, but are recommended to showcase a seller's effort to improve the quality of an item. A customer buying an item with the listed features doesn't have to second guess the condition and quality of the item they are purchasing.

New Battery

An item with the "New Battery" feature is guaranteed to have a fresh battery installed. This is most common for older cartridge based games that allowed you to save your game. These games are nearing 20-30 years old, and their batteries just starting to expire. Not all cartridge games used batteries.


A "Cleaned" game will mean the seller has made an effort to improve the condition of the game and its contents. This could be as simple as removing price stickers from cases or marker from games. A cleaned game doesn't guarantee that it will be free from cosmetic flaws. Sometimes you can't always remove permanent marker, or maybe a sticker will remain because it means damaging the original game.

Tested & Working

"Tested & Working" means the sellers made an effort to check that the item functions. For a game, this could be as simple as it being able to power on and play or that a disc is able to be read. For controllers, this commonly will mean that all the buttons work. For systems, a basic check should be done to confirm that it boots and is able to run a game.

Disc Resurfaced

Disc Resurfaced will only apply to CD based games. This means that the disc as been ran through a Disc Resurfacer, which removes most existing scratches and appears like new. Disc Resurfacing machines are traditionally very expensive, so few sellers will be able to provide this feature.

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